Trobairitz Music and Storytelling

ideally suited performances for all occasions

Productions you can Request from Trobairitz

These thematic presentations are ideally suited as fundraisers and can be tailored to suit the interests of your organization, group, school or church.

A range of subjects is available and can tie in with different festivals or events.

The following are some examples.

A Selection of Available Productions

Every generation, every century, begets women of honour, of compassion, of will. . . Women of valour, courage, and strength. . . Women who have risen from the depths of obscurity and periods of darkness to combat ignorance, evil, injustice. . . These are women who turned the impossible into reality.


Daring Daughters of the Faith

A series of musical odysseys celebrating the lives
of early sainted women.

These inspiring concerts combine the very best of authentic story-telling and traditional celtic harp, with flute accompaniment. Come, gather around a modern trobairitz, whose rich musical skills will transport you to another place, to a forgotten past . . . and there tell the true and wondrous stories of heroines whose influence is felt even still.

Daring Daughters of the Faith, Page 1, Poster Click for Poster

Daring Daughters of the Faith, Page 2, Poster Click for Poster

A Christmas Miracle

The Program will include old Celtic Christmas stories, Mary's story told in the first person, a retelling of the Nativity, and a beautiful Hanukkah story.

A Chistmas Miracle-Poster
Click for Poster

Contact Trobairitz to discuss and arrange your special requirements.