Upcoming Public Performances
Sir Orfeo
A medieval story with harp and narration
Activity Haven, Peterborough
Part of Peterborough Storytellers program--The Lore of Love
Bernardo St. Peterborough
February 13, 2019 7:00 p.m.
Angelica Ottewill 705-778-3401
The Cruel Mother-in-Law
A persian folk-tale with Betty Bennett
The Keene Centre for the Arts
Part of the Keene Centre for the Arts opening cabaret
12 First Street, Keene, Ontario
February 22,2019, two shows--5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Ida Brown 519-993-0079, keenecentreforthearts.com
Weaving a Tapestry of Stories and Music
A storytelling workshop with Betty Bennett, on using music in stories
Storytellers of Canada Conference
Attendance only open to conference members
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.
June 8, 2019, 1:00 p.m.
Angelica Ottewill 705-778-3401
Contact Trobairitz for further information.
Other Performances
- "New Beginnings", Stories and songs with the Peterborough Storytellers, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Spirit of the Irish", Stories and music with flautist Veronique Kwakkernaat, Island Park Seniors Residence, Campbellford.
- "Warkworth Lilac Festival", Music for harp, voice, recorder with Julian Nelson, Warkworth Lilac Festival.
- "Art in the Park, Warkworth", Trobairitz Harp, Flute and Oboe Trio, Varied musical selections, Art in the Park, Warkworth.
- "Musical Stories for Schools", The Faithful Wife with Tori Owen, Henry J. Clarke Public School.
- "Medieval Magic", musical stories with Harp, voice, oboe and recorder, Blades of Glory medieval theme park.
- "Ontarios Story in Song", Workshop on ballads collected by Edith Fowke, Storytellers of Canada Conference.
- "Volunteer Tea", Backtround music for harp and voice, McPherson House, Napanee.
- "Frightening Fantasies", Spooky stories with the Peterborough Storytellers, Thirteen Moons Retreat Centre.
- "Holiday stories and sing-along", Holiday stories and sing-along, Lakeshore Waves Square Dance Club.
- "Holiday Hauntings", Stories and music for New Years Eve dance, Marlbank Inn.
- "The Singing Sac", Part of a Valentines Program, Peterborough Public Library.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Recorder Duo, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.
- "The Magic of Mask and Music", Stories with Rita Grimaldi, storyteller, Compass Learning, Bethany.
- "The Faithful Wife", A medieval story with harp and narration with Peterborough Storytellers, George St. United church, Peterborough.
- "The Faithful Wife", A medieval story with harp and narration with Peterborough Storytellers, Campbellford Cultural Centre (Clock Tower).
- "Have Harp will Travel", A journey with the harp through time and space., Summit Terrace Retirement Home.
- "RWTO Jubilee Celebration", Background Harp and Vocal music, Navy Club, Peterborough.
- "A Creation story", Story for New Beginnings program, George St. United church, Peterborough.
- "Music for Mothers Day tea", Background music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Royal Gardens Retirement Home, Peterbough.
- "A musical pot-pourri", Background music with harp and voice, Peterborough Garden Tour.
- "Music for a picnic", Background music with harp and voice, The home of Rev. Roberta Fuller.
- "Have Harp will Travel", a musical journey with harp and voice, Lindsay Golf Club.
- "Music for the Black and White Ball", Background music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Warkworth Town Hall.
- "Childrens stories in the Park", Stories and music with the Peterborough Storytellers, Westwood Park.
- "A musical pot-pourri", Background music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Home of George Kratz.
- "Mr. Fox and othr grim tales", Spine-tingling Stories for Halloween, George St. United church, Peterborough.
- "Christmas at the Clock Tower", Holiday stories and music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute, and Betty Bennett, storyteller, The Clock Tower, Campbellford.
- "Holiday Magic", Holiday stories and music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute, and Betty Bennett, storyteller, The Seasons Retirement Home.
- "A World Storytelling Day Concert", Stories of Transformation in music, mask and song with Peterborough Storytellers, Warkworth Town Hall.
- "A World Storytelling Day Concert", Stories of Transformation in music, mask and song with Peterborough Storytellers, George St. United church, Peterborough.
- "Musical Stories for Schools", The Lonely Giant and The Faithful Wife with Tori Owen, Hillcrest Public School.
- "Art in the Park, Warkworth", Trobairitz Harp, Flute and Oboe Trio, Varied musical selections, Art in the Park, Warkworth.
- "The Magic Harp", musical stories with Harp, voice, oboe and recorder, Ajax Convention Centre.
- "Sailors, Selkies and Sirens", music and stories of magical water beings, George St. United church, Peterborough.
- "Spooky Tales and Tunes", songs and sttories for Halloween, Clock Tower, Campbellford.
- "Holiday Magic", music and stories for Christmas with Betty Bennett, Royal Gardens Retirement Home, Peterbough.
- "Have Harp will Travel", Music and songs around the world, Marlbank Inn.
- "Have Harp will Travel" A journey with the harp through time and space., J.C.s (Blue Danube Restaurant).
- "The Lonely Giant" A musical story, Osgoode Medieval Fair.
- "The Faithful Wife" A musical story, Osgoode Medieval Fair.
- "Music for Caroline Harveys wedding" Toronto Hunt and Golf Course, 1355 Kingston Road, Scarborough.
- "Thomas the Rhymer" A musical story with harp, flute and voice, Campbellford Anglican Church.
- "Two for the Road" Stories and music with Betty Bennett, The Tea Party, (a café).
- "Musical Stories for Schools" The Lonely Giant and The Faithful Wife with Tori Owen, Foxborough School.
- "Have Harp will Travel" a musical journey with harp, flute and voice, Lions Centre, Coburg.
- "Medieval music" medieval music demonstration with instruments and dance for school children, Blades of Glory medieval theme park.
- "Medieval Magic" musical stories with Harp, voice, oboe and recorder, Blades of Glory medieval theme park.
- "Music for Canada" background music for Canada celebration dinner, Lindsy Golf and Country club.
- "John Ottewills book launch" music with flute, harp, voice and bass, Carol Doves house, Warkworth.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare" A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Dunbarton-Fairport United Church.
- "Holiday Magic" music and stories for Christmas with Betty Bennett, LindsayGolf and Country Club.
- "Holiday Magic" music and stories for Christmas , Peterborough Golf and Country club.
- "The Magic of Mask and Music", Stories with Rita Grimaldi, storyteller, Compass Learning, Bethany
- "RWTO Jubilee Celebration", Background Harp and Vocal music, Navy Club, Peterborough
- "Music for Mothers Day tea", Background music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Royal Gardens Retirement Home, Peterbough
- "Sadko The Minstrel", A Musical story from Russia with Betty Bennett and Angelica Ottewill, Peterborough Square.
- "Autumn Tales and Tunes", A potpourri of music and stories with Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet, Applefest Lodge, Brighton.
- "Christmas Craft Sale Music", Background harp and vocal music, Applefest Lodge, Brighton.
- "Ready Set Snow", Soloist in Christmas Choral Concert, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "The Fortune Tellers Fortune", A Persian Folk Tale, Home of Rita Grimaldi.
- "Music for a Memorial Service" Harp and vocal music, Unitarian Church, Toronto.
- "Sunday Gathering", Sacred and Celtic Music for Harp and Voice, Salvation Army Meeting Place.
- "Mission of Tears Charity Tea", Background Harp and Vocal Music.
- "Into the Garden", A potpourri of music and stories with Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet, 52 Scriven Art and Artisan Show.
- "Into the Garden", A potpourri of music and stories with Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet, Loughbreeze Bay Bed and Breakfast.
- "Music for Spring", An eclectic selection of harp and vocal music, Royal Gardens, Retirement Home.
- "Rock Around the Clock", Choral Music from the 50s and 60s with guest artists, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Have Harp will Travel", A musical journey with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo , Campbellford Legion Hall.
- "Music for Spring", Music and stories with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Art in the Park, Warkworth.
- "Programming with Pizzaz!", How to plan a cabaret type storytelling program, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Music for the Lilac Festival", Music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Warkworth Lilac Festival.
- "The True Course of Love", Music and stories featuring the Trent River Tellers, Applefest Lodge, Brighton.
- "Doors Open, Hastings", An eclectic selection of harp and vocal music, St. Georges Anglican Church, Hastings.
- "Wilf Jenns Funeral", Background harp and vocal music, Pineridge Golf Course.
- "A Christmas Drop-In", Background harp and vocal music, Special Effects Decorating.
- "Fireside Stories", Winter stories and songs, Peterborough Public Library.
- "The True Course of Love", Music and Stories featuring the Trent River Tellers, St. Andrews United Church, Peterborough.
- "Music for Sunday Worship", Sacred Music with Harp and Voice, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Music for a Funeral", Music for Harp and Voice, St. Johns Anglican Church, Peterborough.
- "A Night of Gospel Music", Soloist in Spring Choral Concert, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "An Afternoon of Gospel Music", Soloist in Spring Choral Concert, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Music for the Lilac Festival", Music with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Warkworth Lilac Festival.
- "The True Course of Love", Music and Stories with the Trent River Tellers, The Cat Sass Café.
- "Sadko The Minstrel", A Musical story from Russia with the Trent River Tellers, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Welsh Stories and Songs", Music and stories featuring the Trent River Tellers, The Lakefield Probus, at the Legion.
- "Welsh Stories and Songs", Music and stories featuring the Trent River Tellers, Peterborough Public Library.
- "The Magic Harp", The history and folklore of the harp, Peterborough Public Library.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Christ Church Anglican, Norwood.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, St. Marys Catholic Church, Campbellford.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Celtic Spirit", Songs and Stories from Scotland, Ireland and Wales, Royal Gardens, Peterborough.
- "Winter Tales and Tunes", Stories and music with the Trent River Tellers, and John Bennett on guitar, Marmora Snofest.
- "Christmas Eve Service", Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Varied musical selections, Havelock United Church.
- "Winter Tales and Tunes", Music and stories for the holiday season, Cat Sass Café, Norwood.
- "A Celtic Christmas", Choral Music to celebrate the holiday season, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Winter Tales and Tunes", Music and stories for the holiday season, Coburg Short Mat Bowling Club.
- "Telling Stories Together", Angelica Ottewill and Rita Grimaldi, will perform stories and music for children to celebrate the holiday season., Art Gallery of Peterborough.
- "Christmas in the County", Music and stories with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Wesley Acres Christian Camp, Bloomfield.
- "Autumn Magic", The Trent River Tellers (Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet) perform stories and songs for Late Autumn., Northumberland Hills Public School.
- "The Magic of the Harp", History and folklore of the Celtic Harp: music and stories, Northminster United Church.
- "Autumn Tales and Tunes", Seasonal songs and stories, The Gates, Brighton.
- "Autumn Song", Seasonal Stories and Music for Harp, Flute and Voice, Portland United Church.
- "Crossroads of the Spirit", The Trent River Tellers (Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet) perform stories and songs for Late Autumn., St. Andrews United Church, Westwood.
- "Destiny Book Signing", Music for Jennifer Gibsons book signing, Destiny, Glovers Farm Market, Warkworth.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, St. Johns United Church, Campbellford.
- "Spooky Tales and Tunes", The Trent River Tellers (Angelica Ottewill and Betty Bennet) perform stories and songs for Late Autumn., Norwood Town Hall.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A musical story with Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Eastminster United Church.
- "Musical selections for Harp, Flute and Voice", Christian Reform Church, Anniversary dinner.
- "Rock the Locks" Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Varied musical selections, Rock the Locks, Downtown Buckhorn.
- "The Magic Harp" History and folklore of the Celtic Harp: music and stories, Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, Toronto.
- "King David and His Harp", A Musical Story from the Bible, St. Mark’s United Church, Peterborough.
- "St. Brigid of Kildare", A Musical Story, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Peterborough.
- "Celtic Spirit", Stories and Music from the British Isles, Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, Toronto.
- "A Celebration of Love", Soloist in Spring Choral Concert, St. John’s United Church, Campbellford.
- "A Celebration of Love", Soloist in Spring Choral Concert, St. John’s United Church, Campbellford.
- "King David and His Harp", A Musical Story from the Bible, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Art in the Park, Warkworth", Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Varied musical selections, Art in the Park, Warkworth.
- "Warkworth Lilac Festival", Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Varied musical selections, Warkworth Lilac Festival.
- "Warkworth Lilac Festival", Solo Harp and Voice, Varied Musical Selections, Warkworth Lilac Festival.
- "Warkworth Hospice Fundraiser", Solo Harp and Voice, Varied Musical Selections, Home of Dennis Gebhardt and Tom Harris.
- "Lady Grail Fair, Bancroft", Solo Harp, Voice and Storytelling, Lady Grail Fair, Bancroft.
- "Celtic Spirit", Stories and Music from the British Isles, Island Park Seniors Residence, Campbellford.
- "The Selkie Wife", A Musical Story from Scotland, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Fate and Fortune"-Inspiring Tales from Around the World. Womens Art Association of Canada Tea, Peterborough.
- World Storytelling Day. "Fate and Fortune", Inspiring Tales from Around the World. Belleville and Peterborough Public Libraries.
- "Spirit of the Irish", A St. Patricks Day Program. Riverstone Residence, Bancroft.
- Festival of Friendship, Peterborough Public Library.
- "Winter Magic", Stories and songs that celebrate the magic of the winter season, Mt. St. Joseph Convent, Peterborough.
- Cobourg Short Mat Bowling Club Christmas Party, Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo.
- "A Christmas Miracle", The Program included old Celtic Christmas stories, Mary's story told in the first person, a retelling of the Nativity, and a beautiful Hanukkah story, St. Pauls Anglican Church, Minden
- "Upon a Winter’s Night”, A choral concert of sacred and secular Christmas music, performed by the St. John’s Community Choir. Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, St. John’s United Church, Campbellford
- "A Christmas Miracle", The Program included old Celtic Christmas stories, Mary's story told in the first person, a retelling of the Nativity, and a beautiful Hanukkah story, Eastminster United Church, Belleville
- Riverstone Retirement Home, Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Bancroft.
- A Visual Tour of Ireland, Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Percy Historical Society, Warkworth
- Warkworth Hospice Grand Opening, Trobairitz Harp and Flute Duo, Warkworth.
- Mary-Jane Cram Funeral, Belleville
- Henry Oliver Funeral, Campbellford
- Art in the Park, Warkworth
- Liz Radzick Wedding, Elmhirst
- Peterborough Storytellers Evenings
- Retired Women Teachers Organization Meetings
- World Storytelling Day
- Seymour West Womens Institute
- The Spirit of the Irish, St. Patricks Day Concert, Warkworth
- Warkworth Historical Society Fundraisers
- Westben Fundraiser
- "Doors Open" Peterborough Jack and the Beanstalk - Arts Week Peterborough
- Cobourg Short Mat Bowling Club
- Cobourg Seasons Retirement Home, Trenton
- Campbellford Hospital Gala Tree Sale
- Lilac Festival, Warkworth
- Biblical Storytelling Conference, Peterborough
- Fundraising Dinner at St. John's Anglican Church, Peterborough
- Church of Latter Day Saints, Concert, Trent River
- St. John's United Church, Campbellford numerous performances
- St. Paul's United Church, Warkworth numerous performances
- Norwood Lion's Club Robbie Burn's Night
- Lioness Club, Norwood
- Belleville Retired Teachers Christmas meeting
- Various weddings and events
- "Fairies, Elves and Leprechauns" Irish songs and folklore with storyteller, Betty Bennett, Napanee Museum.
- "Tales and Tunes of Malicious Enchantment" Stories and music about the fairy folk with Betty Bennett, Alan and Roula Rossy Pavilion, National Arts Centre, Ottawa.
- "Tales and Tunes of Malicious Enchantment" Stories and music about the fairy folk with Betty Bennett, Camp Red Pine.
- "Have Harp will Travel" Music, folklore and history of the harp, Claire Hills Retirement Home.
- "Music for a 100th birthday" German, Celtic, and Popular music for Harp and Voice, Hannover, Germany.
- "The True Course of Love" Stories and music featuring the Trent River Tellers, The Green Door B and B.
- "A Christmas Miracle" Traditional Christmas music for harp, voice with audience sing-along, Free Methodist Church, Harrowsmith.
- Amanda Hyde and Vaughn Koch Wedding, San Francisco
- Art Gallery of Ontario
- Upper Canada Folkfest
- Niagara-on-the-Lake Storytelling Festival
- Ontario Science Center
- Montgomery's Inn, Mississauga
- Markham Libaries for Library Week
- Ontario Folk Harp Festival 2001
- International Harp Conference 2002
- Laura and Aaron Lampe Wedding, Grand Bend
- Windsor Harp Society
- Montreal Harp Society